Have an Enquiry? Client Folios

Tony Farfor & Associates  
25 Wheatley Road T: (03) 9557 9333
Bentleigh VIC 3204E: help@tfarfor.com.au


  • Auditing to AS NZS 4804 Occupational health and safety Management systems
  • Plant Risk Assessments and reports
  • Hazardous Substances Risk Assessments and reports
  • Manual Handling Risk Assessments and reports
  • Site Risk Reviews
  • Development of OHS systems
  • Development of OHS Work Instructions
  • Development of OHS policy's
  • Accident investigation and development of controls
  • Workcover Claims Management
  • Workcover Premium Reviews
  • Injury KPI's
  • Toolbox meeting Systems
  • Hazard Reporting Systems
  • Training Matrixes